We appreciate your understanding during this time, as many of you have had to postpone treatments. We are happy to say that we will be resuming limited treatments on Monday, June 1st. This includes Electrolysis, Dysport/Filler, Skincare and Laser Treatments. We are reaching out to reschedule appointments. Please be patient with us since the length of most appointments has increased and this will affect all new and previously scheduled appointments.
We are striving to keep our patients, staff and community safe so you will notice some changes at your next appointment. These changes are:
When you arrive for your appointment please fill out an updated history on the clipboard outside our door upon entry. When paperwork is done please bring paperwork and clipboard to desk before entering the waiting room.
We are asking for only the patient to enter the office. Please do not bring family members or companions with you to your appointment. One parent is allowed to accompany a minor.
We ask all patients to wear a mask to appointments. We will not be providing masks. Masks will be required upon entry into the office until we bring you back into the treatment rooms. As always our staff will be wearing masks at all times.
Prescreening will be completed and temperatures will be taken on all patients prior to entering treatment rooms. Staff will also have their temperatures taken daily upon arrival.
Anyone with a fever (temperature over 100.4 Degrees) or flu-like symptoms will be asked to reschedule their appointment. Some symptoms to self-monitor for are:
- Feeling ill
- Fever (above 100.4)
- Coughing
- You have a sick family member who is potentially COVID-19 Positive
Treatments that temporarily can not be performed are Microdermabrasion, Skin Pen Microneedling Treatments and all Permanent Makeup Treatments. We expect that these guidelines may change in the upcoming weeks so we will work to keep you informed on all treatment updates.